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If you’ve been bothered by uneven, pockmarked, sun-damaged skin, consider dermaplaning — a safe and effective procedure that removes dead skin cells and fine hair from the face, reduces acne scarring and fine wrinkles while smoothing the skin’s texture.

• Revitalizes dry, dull, sun-damaged skin.

• Exfoliates to remove the upper layers of dead skin.

• Safe for most patients, and the 20-to-30-minute treatments require no downtime.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is dermaplaning and how does it work?

Dermaplaning, also known as blading or microplaning, removes the top layers of skin — the dead cells — with an exfoliating blade. The treatment is similar to shaving, and removes fine lines, wrinkles and acne scarring, making the skin appear smoother, brighter and younger.

What are the benefits of dermaplaning?

In addition to removing up to three weeks of dead skin-cell buildup and fine facial hair (“peach fuzz”), you’ll see a noticeable reduction in wrinkles, pockmarks and other scarring, and your skin will look and feel smoother and more supple. You may experience some redness immediately after the treatment, but that will subside and in the following days, you’ll see the results of a brighter, radiant complexion.

Is dermaplaning right for me?

When administered by a trained professional, dermaplaning is a safe and effective procedure for most patients, skin types and skin tones. You’ll need to avoid the sun for about a week before the procedure and be vigilant about applying sunscreen in the weeks after the treatment to protect your skin. Schedule a consultation with our office to discuss how dermaplaning can help you with your skin goals.

What’s the best way to follow a dermaplaning treatment?

It’s imperative to apply sunscreen in the weeks following a dermaplaning session. Since the upper layers of the dermis are removed, the skin can be sensitive to harmful UVA and UVB rays. Dr. Marnie recommends a broad-spectrum sunscreen with SPF of at least 50, like EltaMD’s UV Sport Broad Spectrum SPF 50, specially formulated for outdoor sports and activities, or Isdin’s Photo Eryfotona Actinica SPF 50, which uses DNA Repairsomes™ and antioxidants to prevent actinic damage, or damage to the skin that’s a direct result of excessive sun exposure.

I had a dermaplaning treatment about a week before a wedding I attended, and got so many compliments on how great my skin looked. I felt as if I was glowing — inside and out!